Welcome to the Thompson Lab!
Our Science
Pancreatic beta cells (green) undergoing a DNA damage response (red) and being attacked by self-reactive immune cells (blue cells surrounding beta cells) in a mouse model for Type 1 Diabetes.
Our lab uses cutting edge approaches to investigate how and why pancreatic beta cells are destroyed in Type 1 Diabetes.
Our Location
We are located in the Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM), at the Bannatyne Campus of the University of Manitoba.
Recent news from the lab.
July & August 2024. Ian, Sameer and Halle gave excellent presentations at the CHRIM summer student seminars and finished their time in the lab. Farewell and thanks for all your hard work this summer! Roozbeh's review article on senescence and extracellular vesicles was published in Frontiers in Endocrinology! Congrats Roozbeh! See the paper here. Nayara's original research paper on the role of secreted factors in beta cell senescence was just accepted in the American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology & Metabolism! Congrats Nayara!
June 2024. Jasmine was awarded a Research Manitoba PhD student scholarship! Congrats Jasmine! Alycia finished her time in the lab. Farewell Alycia and thanks for all your hard work this summer!
May 2024. The lab welcomes Mystica as a new graduate student and Sameer, Ian, Alycia and Halle as summer undergraduate students. Welcome to the lab! The lab starts a new clinical research project examining biomarkers of survivor beta cells in children with recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes at the Health Sciences Centre, click here to learn more!
April 2024. Camille successfully defended her BSc honor's thesis evaluating the effect of senescence on human beta cell insulin synthesis. Congrats Camille! Jasmine and Camille were each awarded the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) for their graduate studies for Fall 2024. Congrats Jasmine and Camille! The lab received our first type 1 diabetes donor islet preparation sample from the Alberta Diabetes Institute IsletCore based in Edmonton, Canada. We are very grateful to donors and their families for the opportunity to work with human pancreatic islets and especially those from who had type 1.
February 2024. Jasmine Manji, former two-summer Undergraduate Research Award (URA) recipient and HEAL4650 project student's manuscript on Brd4-associated proteins and p21 in a senescent mouse beta cell line model was published in Epigenomes! See the published article here. Nayara gave an excellent talk at the 2024 Alberta-British Columbia Islet Workshop. Congrats Nayara! The lab was hosted by Tracey Mcleod-Stecy and family at a T1D fundraiser event to raise funds to support an undergraduate student in the Thompson lab, see more here! Thank you Mcleod-Stecy family for this amazing effort and all your support!
June 2024. Jasmine was awarded a Research Manitoba PhD student scholarship! Congrats Jasmine! Alycia finished her time in the lab. Farewell Alycia and thanks for all your hard work this summer!
May 2024. The lab welcomes Mystica as a new graduate student and Sameer, Ian, Alycia and Halle as summer undergraduate students. Welcome to the lab! The lab starts a new clinical research project examining biomarkers of survivor beta cells in children with recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes at the Health Sciences Centre, click here to learn more!
April 2024. Camille successfully defended her BSc honor's thesis evaluating the effect of senescence on human beta cell insulin synthesis. Congrats Camille! Jasmine and Camille were each awarded the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) for their graduate studies for Fall 2024. Congrats Jasmine and Camille! The lab received our first type 1 diabetes donor islet preparation sample from the Alberta Diabetes Institute IsletCore based in Edmonton, Canada. We are very grateful to donors and their families for the opportunity to work with human pancreatic islets and especially those from who had type 1.
February 2024. Jasmine Manji, former two-summer Undergraduate Research Award (URA) recipient and HEAL4650 project student's manuscript on Brd4-associated proteins and p21 in a senescent mouse beta cell line model was published in Epigenomes! See the published article here. Nayara gave an excellent talk at the 2024 Alberta-British Columbia Islet Workshop. Congrats Nayara! The lab was hosted by Tracey Mcleod-Stecy and family at a T1D fundraiser event to raise funds to support an undergraduate student in the Thompson lab, see more here! Thank you Mcleod-Stecy family for this amazing effort and all your support!